Letting it rain

Under the rain

The steady tempo of the rain on my window, accompanied by the blowing winds
is guiding into a calm state of relaxation.
Writing, reading and catching up on missed classes are some of the goals,
I plan to accomplish for the next two days.
Then on Monday when prompted about how was my week-end, instead of answering “too short”, the way I used too
I’ll answer “my week-end was the perfect break I need to be back on top”
this, thanks to the amazing book I am reading now šŸ™‚

Care to share here about a book that has or is changing your life, dear friend?


  1. Anyes, I just linked through and ordered The Soul of Money. Thank you for the heads up on it. Looks excellent. Are you by any chance in the Pacific Northwest? I ask because it’s been steadily raining and very windy here in Oregon and my weekend has been like yours so far. I’ll be working tomorrow, Sunday, but yesterday I never left the house after my 7:15 a.m. walk and just hunkered back in in my pajamas and read and read and napped. Heaven. And today I’m downtown Portland in a coffee shop writing and reading and thinking – how wonderful to have rainy days in January. And dear ones like you to recommend further good reading. Happy weekend to you!


    • Barbara, šŸ™‚
      This book is going to change your life, or at the very least make you at money in a very different light.
      Yes, I live in Vancouver, BC and it’s been raining for ever and supposed to rain for ever more…which after all is the best weather for book reading. Happy week-end to you too, I am so glad to see you here šŸ™‚


  2. Love the quote! And hmm..book that has changed my life…well not so much change my life but to switch on a light within me, clear the cobwebs…allow me to understand certain things…the first title that pops into my head is of course the Edgar Cayce’s Primer by Herbert Puryear….ah…I *do* like Edgar Cayce!


  3. If you get even a little tired of your rain, you are more than welcome to send it this way. Hot, hot, hotter and so very dry. The grass crunches as I walk across it, and too much of my garden has become a crispy critter.
    On a more positive note – the book looks fascinating. Thank you.
    Books enrich my life in so many ways. The lust for them hurts my pocket – but it is a price I am happy to pay.


    • Oh Soosie!, I so wish I could share the rain with you…there is so much here…One thing the internet could be doing better…sharing weather pattern between friends, how about that? šŸ˜‰
      Yes, the book is simply fascinating and I truly believe worth talking about, the more the word spreads the better we all are šŸ™‚


  4. I really can’t think of any book that has changed my life…they give me things to think about but change it? No. As for the rain — after freezing rain and snow and ice storms..we are now having temps of 9 c. and rain and it’s a mess out there. I’m ready to hibernate and crawl out some time in April! šŸ˜‰


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