It’s all mine now :-)

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, 
written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.  
Vladimir Nabakov

Step 1: You buy an inexpensive notebook, because you want to keep practicing the beautiful art of writing and every one you read who knows a bit on the subject, keeps saying…Write, write and when you’re done write some more…

Step 2: You just happen to read Gigi’s awesome post, where you are told that it is very important to start making this notebook, (yes, the one you are looking at) yours…

Step3: You gather the paper you love, decide which one you want to put on the notebook, try a few colour schemes, scratch your head rattled by your own indecision…Decide to sleep on it

Step 4: Next day, you happen to find the quote you will place in the forefront of your notebook, the way the chosen paper will be placed, you take a deep breath and glue everything in place. You’ve done it šŸ™‚


Such a nice, powerful feeling!

Now tell me what have you been up to this week-end?


  1. Linda, Would you believe that since I "made it mine" I feel like writing even more in it. Interesting what a bit of jazzing up does to a very inexpensive notebook šŸ˜‰


  2. I love the idea of decorating one of the inexpensive spiral notebooks! I don't know why I never thought of this. I've seen decorated blank books, etc. And I use the generic spiral notebooks for morning pages because they're so handy. Sometimes I find covers I like, and sometimes I use the solid color ones. It just never occurred to me to jazz up the plain ones! Duh! Thanks for sharing this. I had seen Gigi's post and planned to do her exercises. So now, I may decorate one of my spirals with my papers and quotes and use it. Thanks again!


  3. Cinner, Thank you for your wishes :-)Tracy! I am totally a one journal type of girl, I am doing my morning pages on the computer for a long while now on this site: I was hesitant at first but I do like it now. So this notebook is all about writing practices…Karen, Go for it, follow your dream, writing I am sure is good for the soul, and what will help you to get better. Soft and sweet writing on my blog? ((Blushing)) very kind words, Thank you :-)Karen, You are strong to be able to resist the appeal of beautiful paper. šŸ˜‰


  4. Every time I wander down the scrapbooking aisle at Target, I always wish that I had some use for all that lovely paper. Thanks, Anyes, now I do have a reason to go buy some.


  5. Love this idea…and love what you did with yours. I had a dream last night that I should be writing down what's on my mind…for my health. Thank you for the synchronicity here…and affirmation that this is what I must do. Your color choices are soft and sweet like your writing here on the blog. xo


  6. Oh, so pretty, Anyes! I read Gigi's post too, and eagerly awaiting her next writing post. I have a notebook already, and have decorated it too. I also have a notebook for my morning pages. I have notebooks/journals for multiple purposes. Can't have just one. ;o) Happy Days writing… ((HUGS))


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