Are you going with the flow?

“Take a look at your natural river. What are you? Stop playing games with yourself. Where’s your river going? Are you riding with it? Or are you rowing against it? Don’t you see that there is no effort if you’re riding with your river?”

Frederick (Carl) Frieseke quotes (American born French Painter, 1874-1939)


  1. Well that describes me perfectly – a go with the flow type of person. Hmm, your photo may inspire me to go back to the river and take some pictures for this week.


  2. Anyes, as I said in the 'about me' section I TRY to go with the flow … Sometimes I do resist things even though I know that resistance brings mostly pain … big hugs!


  3. Going with the flow, getting caught sometimes in the torrential waters of emotional life, floating on peaceful waters… haven't drowned so far 😉


  4. Hi – I usually go with the flow – ride out the storms, and bobble along in calm waters as they come. I like the analogy to sailing. – Sometimes you have to hold on to the mast and sometimes you glide along calmly.Love to youGailpeace……


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