
Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.
Rabindranath Tagore

Doesn’t this photograph make you feel serene, at peace with yourself and the world? I need to keep looking at it, because I am far from feeling this way right now…

At this very moment I am having some blogging issues…

You see, the post I wrote yesterday somehow did not update itself with the rest of my blog, and I do not know how to correct it, hence my title.

I have faith that my plea for help will be read by someone who will tell how to fix this issues so I could return to looking at this photograph feeling serene and at peace with myself and the world 😉


  1. Sorry you're having blog issues, Anyes. I'm a bit unsure of what you're asking too. I'm not on Blogger, so if a Blogger issue I can't help there. Perhaps your answers are settings, etc. Hope all is working well again soon. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))


  2. Hilary, I had checked there first and saw that there was 7 posts at a time on my current settings.It seems now the posts I have done after the Vision and Verb one are following each other…So I guess it's all working out.Thank you so very much for your help :-)Karena, I am so glad to be back too :-)Isabelle, It was all about Faith and Patience I think, and it seems to be working now. Enjoy your week-end :-)Gine, Tout semble revenir a la normale, j'etais surement un peu trop impatiente. Bon week-end toi aussi 🙂


  3. Hello Anyes, like Hilary, I'm not sure what you're asking for. I can read your posts the way they have been posted:Friday: HelpThursday: Vision and Verb and then I have to click on Older Post to get toWednesday: What did I need?Everything seems fine :)FAITH is your new experience right one, it seems! Happy day


  4. Hope Hilary's suggestions might have helped because I have no idea…and would very much like to help you…but sorry…I have no idea. Love your photo. Glad to see you back.


  5. I'm not sure what you're asking, Anyes. Is it that your "What did I need?" post doesn't appear on the "front page" of your blog? It does appear if you click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page. I'm guessing you have your blog set up to show only two posts at a time. I have mine set for three. That can all be changed in your Settings. Go to Settings. Click on the Format tab. The top option allows you to change how many posts appear on your page.Sorry if that's not what you meant.. but I think it might be and I hope it helps. 🙂


Talk to me, I am listening :-)