In the morning light

“Observe the wonders as they occur around you. 
Don’t claim them. 
Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.” 

The precious light coming from the side of my kitchen window, feels like a blessing on this November morning. I am still adjusting to the grueling schedule I agreed to by participating in NaNoWriMo. In the wee hours of the early morning I do enjoy the quiet peace (around 5AM), then family life and all its different priorities is taking over. Until night time comes around once more and I find myself in this different world I am creating. I am looking at writing 6 pages a day and focusing only on this part of the challenge.

Something I discovered recently, I prefer writing longhand on a sheet of paper than typing on my laptop, which is adding precious time (I do not have) onto the 50000 words to reach by the end of November goal. It really surprised me, still trying to give straight typing a try but so far it’s paper first than copying onto laptop…

Don’t forget to come and visit my 500th post giveaway and to comment if you wish to 🙂


  1. 5000 words….now me being a jabber mouth, i could surely say that many easily, but write that many….ohhhh, that'd be tough.thinking of you !xo


  2. Beautiful light coming in! I'm the same way about writing. In college, all the professors wanted us to type our term papers, but since I can't think in front of a blinking cursor, I always asked if I could write them out long hand. Majoring in English, I had quite the writer's cramp by the time I graduated! ; )


  3. I'm a night owl; it's very infrequent I'm up at 5 a.m. and then it is generally under duress.I see your rose still has buds. Mine does also even though we've had several hard freezes here in North Carolina.


  4. A stunning picture, Anyes, and so beautiful.I prefer to write in longhand, too. All my posts for V&V are written in longhand first. It seems that this is more connected to myself and my heart – call it whatever you like. The words just flow that way.


  5. you need to hire a typist to take care of your long hand so you can keep writing…smiles. i am sure you could find a volunteer….cool pic and love the rumi quote…write on writer…


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