Sunset Sundays

It’s a silent Winter morning. The soft sunlight rising behind the mountain, is embracing me peacefully. Its gentle hug opening my mind’s eye to the soothing miracle of nature’s beauty. No matter how often I get to witness those morning treasures I always feel this quiet sense of awe. 

My creative world opening bit by bit as I am now reading the other book I had borrowed, following Brian Miller’s advice. Anne Lamott’s words guiding me into this world of writing I always wanted to know more about. 

Grey and cold, the outside beckons me once again to grab my camera and look for Winter treasures sprinkled around my neighbourhood. Grabbing my comfy jacket, I’ll be looking for them and will share with you all that I find.

Sunset Sundays is a joint venture with Karen’s from A Good Snapshot and Scott from Just Used Pixels, go and see them. I know you will enjoy it 🙂Site Meter


  1. Hilary, I love it when the sky is on fire :-)Marcie, I feel so lucky :-)Sherry, I am reading her book and find myself laughing out loud ;-)Brian, in the morning I often stare at the window for quite a while ;-)Carola, It actually was a sunrise :-)emma, Photography allows me to remember how lucky I am :-)Vicky, Some mornings it's truly surreal :-)Scott, Yours what a beauty too. Thank you for letting me know about the link :-)Ann Marie, Very true :-)Karen, I can't wait for your sunrises :-)Vickie, my favourite kind of sky colours 🙂


  2. I have all of Anne Lamott's books; Plan B is my favorite.I think I will have to follow your lead and switch to mornings until spring comes. As your photo shows, there certainly is more detail than sunsets give me now.


  3. Me too, I could do it over and over again and never grow tired. I can only imagine the splendor of it coming from behind the mountain!


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