To my younger self, I would like to…

…talk. Yes I would love to travel back in time and talk to this young girl you see here. 
I’d tell her only one thing: The secret is very simple: Learn to love yourself.

My dad took this photograph many years ago and I remember making quite a fuss about not wanting to pose for him. I hated strongly disliked being in any photograph, because I felt very awkward. Yet looking at this now, I wish I could have told myself how pretty I was. 

Being confident, assertive and brave are qualities I am still learning about today. I’d like to think I could have saved some time had I known how to love and accept myself, just the way I was. Two days after most of the world celebrated Valentine’s Day, I thought it is important to remind ourselves that love begins within each and every one of us.

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely”
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Cross-posted over at Vision and Verb where a collaborative group of like-minded women from all over the world share their passion for photography and the written word.  


  1. I agree that if I could go back to my earlier self this would also be what I would share. I spent so much time trying to get the love I wanted from others. Even when I did get that love there was always something missing. Loving myself, I have to practice every day.


  2. Beautifully said by a very beautiful woman, inside and out, Anyes! I've no doubt you're teaching your children this incredibly important piece of wisdom, and that is one of the greatest gifts you'll be able to give them.You are loved!Kathryn


  3. Bonjour Anyesje ne maitrise pas trop l'anglais, mais je crois comprendre que c'est une photo de toi plus jeune…charmante photo :-)tu n'aimais pas être photographiée et bien c'est un tort ;-)quoi que je dis cela, mais moi c'est pareil lol !bon week end à toiBisousBéa


  4. learn to love yourself…if only we could tell all that at an early age…and if only we would listen…i think that might make a drastic change in our world…smiles.


  5. You are beautiful!! Maybe we have to go through all of the angst and uncertainty and low self esteem so we can become all that we are meant to be? I'm still asking questions, but I would have thought exactly like you back then and not wanted the photo taken either!


  6. What a beautiful photo of you Anyes! I have experienced the same thing when looking at old photos, wondering what on earth I used to feel so self-conscious about. The ironic thing is, 10 or 20 years from now I will look back at photos of myself from today and feel the same way…even though today I have a whole other list of things that "aren't quite right" about myself! I guess one has to decide it's all good, it always was and it always will be ; )


  7. I didn't find myself until I was in my 40's. I liked what I found and it's made a big difference in my life since than. Ya I wish it had happened earlier but that's history.


  8. At least, now you have the choice: making the same mistakes over and over again, or try new ones ;-)…By the way, Nice one little sister!


  9. love that post Anyes! and that girl (you) on the picture is really pretty! i relate, there are pictures that have been taken long ago and i see the beautiful girl standing there and i wonder how could i have had put myself through such a mental tortures so many times thinking i'm not good, pretty, etc. enough … sigh … time heals things and makes us grow … and i'm grateful i'm over that … i think it's important not to 'cry over a lost time' for there is no such a thing … life is a learning process :-)love & hugs!


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