Were you paying attention?

The first lights

Another year is almost finished and I wonder where it went, so I am asking myself…

Did I pay attention? Was I astonished? Did I tell about it?

As a blogger I must have told about it, yet I still feel this year slipped away without me noticing much of  it all

To remedy to this situation this post will help me be more aware so hopefully for the coming year

I will pay attention, I will be astonished and I will be sure to tell you all about it

Tell me dear friend what  do you think of my plan?


  1. It is a most excellent plan and one that I believe that you fulfilled this year as well. Rejoicing in the small things is what keeps me sane(ish) and I hope to continue on this path. Your own posts regularly fill me with awe and wonder as they show me a side of the world I may not see. Thank you.


  2. How wonderful! I can hardly wait to read more of the times when you paid attention and were astonished! I especially adore this word, this meaning, of being ‘astonished’. A powerful sentiment as we travel through life, to pay attention and expect to be astonished, for we are truly astonishing beings as we grow and evolve. So much more so when we live in positive expectancy of how astonishing life really is! Much gratitude for you and your writings, dear heart. Namaste. Gina


  3. smiles…i think those are great instructions on life…pay attention and tell about it…i try to do just that…but will try all the harder…happy new year to you anyes…


  4. As I read this I felt like you were talking directly to me. I will pay attention this time.


  5. I agree with Josh. You did pay attention. Your photography pays attention to the intricacies of life.You were definitely paying attention to the beauty of the sky in this photo. Thank you for sharing this year and I look forward to more next year. {{{Hugs}}}


  6. i think we do pay attention and share what we can….although i’m always amazed as to what degree a year encompasses and how much we actually forget. lately on many morning and news shows, they’ve been doing a year in review and when i watch those and see how much i’ve forgotten, it scares me….another year, just like that, gone. poof 😦


  7. Hey Anyes,

    I think you paid attention just fine from what I’ve read. I’m absolutely fascinated by life, so I guess that is kind of like astonished, but I feel like astonished means more surprised, which I guess I am too. Anyway, I like this idea. I’d maybe add in the word “appreciate” if I were Mary Oliver or Anyes, haha. Keep up the great writing.
    Love & Peas,


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