1. Excellent post! I love the immortal works of Peace Pilgrim, and you’ve captured an excellent one of hers. Thank you so much for this month’s post on this important theme. I’ll be doing mine soon too 🙂


  2. The Peace Pilgrim was such an inspiring woman, and I am sure that she would applaud bloggers for Peace. Wonderful idea, and wonderful image to promote the cause. Thank you.


  3. Awesome, Anyes – thanks for the link to Bloggers for Peace. Love, love, love it and you can count me in! Thanks so much for your contributions ~ peace one person at a time, and what a beautiful synergy of people! Many blessings ~


  4. Ohh, Anyes, this is extraordinary. Peace, like that marvelous sun, is just waiting to shower us with warmth if we just clear the clouds within ourselves. Thank you for this powerful post for peace. I love that you have scheduled the first Saturday of every month. It will be a special treat for us. {{{Hugs]}}


    • Kozo you are the one that started it all and it’s only fair to do it right. Mornings over my kitchen window are stunning and I just have to have my camera ready to capture its beauty.

      Thank you for letting everyone of us be more aware of how we van bring peace back to the forefront of our lives 🙂


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