Thank you

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought,
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

G.K. Chesterton

Skies of clouds

Thank you for the migraine clouding my brain,
that made me realize
how lucky I am to be pain-free once it
had stopped

Spectacular Sunrise

Thank you for Winter with all its grey and blah days
that made me realize how truly stunning a sunset or a sunrise can be

Green beauty

Thank you for all the wet and windy days
that make me realize the magic that comes after the rains stop


Most of all thank YOU dear friends for coming to visit day after day
making me realize that stepping out of my comfort zone is allowing me
to become the person I always dreamed of being


  1. Ces photographies sont très belles, mais les textes qui les accompagnent leur donne un supplément d’âme qui les magnifie !
    Très belle journée à vous, Anyes 🙂


  2. Thank you for yet another beautiful post. Pictorially beautiful and, as always, full of things to celebrate. I am very, very happy that Captain Migraine has left the building.


  3. Thank you … for being here – for given us the chance to land here comfortable and find some beauty … some dreams, wonderful photos and a picture of a real life. That photo with the waterdrop or raindr op … priceless. Have a good weekend.


  4. Love this, Anyes. Hope this combination of beautiful photos and gratitude becomes a regular posting on Far Away in the Sunshine. Thank you for brightening my day with your words and images. Glad to know that you pain has subsided.


    • Much of this has to do with listening to my inner whisper. I also have the word PEACE in my heart which is the prefect combination to see beauty everywhere 🙂
      I thank you Kozo for opening my heart to trying to become what I want the world to be. Enjoy your week-end ((hugs))


  5. Wow, amazing photos Anyes! Especially love the moody clouds. Hope you are feeling better. Migraines suck. ;0)


  6. Chère Anyes, pourquoi nous remercier? C’est à nous de te dire merci d’être là, de nous poser les questions qui dérangent, de nous faire avancer à tes côtés! Amicalement


  7. Oh so true Anyes…we appreciate the wonderful things about life when we have to wade through the unpleasant, painful and disappointing….being grateful for those experiences enchances our lives. I’d never heard this Chesterton quote before but I’m putting this part in my “pocket” — “gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder” … doesn’t that make you smile? Have a beautiful weekend my dear…may the sun shine and your head be at rest! xo


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