You asked…I answered :-)

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Albert Einstein

Early Morning

Close your eyes and imagine we are together sitting at my kitchen table
having a coffee/tea/drink (your choice) and we start talking.
You ask and I answer:

I am: a work in progress always trying to better myself… still a very long way to go…

I know: that I still have so much to learn… and in reality know nothing…

I want: inner peace of mind and being able to have a full night sleep…sleep is what I really want…

I think: too many thoughts at the same time… going in too many directions…

I have: the children I did not know I deserved and I am very thankful for them…

I dislike: my inner critic, always putting me down no matter how hard I try…

I miss: telling my parents how much I loved them and hearing them saying it back to me…We did not do “I love you’s” when I grew up…

I fear: following my mother’s path and getting early onset Alzheimer’s, diabetes, a brain tumor and a couple of strokes…

I feel: like this year is the beginning of a new chapter for me…still wondering what it might be…

I hear: my inner whisper telling me to keep going in the direction of my dreams…

I smell: the hand lotion I rubbed my hands with, just  a few moments ago…

I crave: hugging my sister so tight to give her the strength she needs for the next few years…

I search: for my purpose on this earth and wonder what it might be…do you wonder too?

I wonder: what made me so lucky to be living the life I live…

I regret: not pursuing my passion of languages even further and study at least one Asian language…

I love: words and  images, watching the dance they perform in my head at any given time…

I care: deeply about the people I love…try to let them know how much I do, as often as I can…

I am always: trying to be pleasing everyone which is not the right way to be…learning it the hard way…

I worry: about not having taught my children enough for them to handle whatever comes their way…

I remember: the smell of Lavender so strong in the air, on lazy Summer days at my aunt’s in the south of France…

I sing: every chance I get, and very loud when I am driving all alone…care for a ride? 😉

I argue: about how the laundry is washed… instead of appreciating that he thought of doing it…

I write: to quiet the voices inside, the ones with the ideas, the ones I have to listen to…

I lose: patience when I see injustice and unfairness…it makes me very upset…

I wish: peace was inside each and every heart  living on this planet… so the world would be a very different place…

I listen: Well how can I say…… this is something I am still in the process of learning…slowly getting better at it 😉

I can usually be found: running around at work or at home…juggling too many balls…needing a few more hours per day…

I am scared: time is running out… so I try to do what I love to do now… instead of waiting for later to come…

I need: to trust myself and others more…remember…a work in progress…

I forget: more than I used to…writing things down is helping me to solve this one…

I am happy: to be alive, healthy and full of energy…and most of all to be learning everyday…doing what I love most…

Here is my inspiration: Thank you Vicky for making me think so much today…I love this list…

Care to join me? Copy and paste if you’d like and let me know about it – I’d love to come read yours!


  1. Love this Anyes! What a telling exercise. I’m going to do it, think on it, reflect on the same questions, statements, myself. Many of mine mirror yours. I so enjoyed reading this. Thank you.


  2. What a wonderful idea to for us to get each other better. I will copy this … thanks for letting me get to know you better. This need some serious thinking. Like that.


  3. Oh Anyes- I have been waiting for the chance to come here and read- and you so didn’t disappoint! So raw and pure- writing straight from you heart- very soulful answers… the one that pieced me through- not hearing/saying the I love yous while growing up. We didn’t either and I can’t say it enough with own two… truly- so many of your responses resonate so deeply with me- thank you for this! Love to you today!


  4. Wow, that was so deep. I feel like I know a whole other part of you now, Anyes. Thank you for your honesty and beauty. I believe…peace is in every heart living on this planet. We just have to follow our hearts.


    • With this kind of a post the only way to be is honest…it took quite a bit of courage and I am so glad I embraced my fear and went through with it…the responses are so open and accepting of who I am…

      Following our heart…the way to peace, beautifully said Kozo 🙂


  5. This is spectacular! And it touched my heart so deeply that it brightened my eyes with tears, especially about what you miss and what you crave. So much of what you’ve shared here are things I can relate to and feel even more like I have found a truly kindred spirit in you. Thank you for so honestly sharing, and inspiring me to do this as an exercise as well. With gratitude for You! Blessings, Gina


  6. very cool…i love your honesty and your affirmations…understanding who we are…i might take this and give it a little thought…def a cool excercise to do in learning yourself…and acknowledging…


  7. These are beautiful and honest answers to such thought-provoking questions. I think my answers would be very similar to yours! Except for children, we do have SO much in common Anyes!


Talk to me, I am listening :-)