My commitment

Losers make promises they often break.
Winners make commitments they always keep.
Denis Waitley

Golden and Frosted

This week-end I am committed myself to

  • go out to walk and enjoy the fresh air regardless of the weather – that’s what Winter jackets are for 😉
  • take my camera with me, capture all the beauty I see on my memory card and upload the best on my site
  • be reading  in order to replenish my writing creative juices
  • go and visit each and every one of you to catch up with all the blogs I have not read this week – I was so tired :/
  • be writing more this week-end as I crave seeing my words on paper the way I did a few months back


  1. I think the secret is making commitments and promises that are easy to keep and not something you know is going to try your patience of your capabilities. And what you outlined for yourself sounded like it would be more than possible! As for winter jackets — that’s one of the reasons I went out on Saturday night in the really cold evening to take part in Winterlude in Ottawa. And then the pleasure of something warm to drink upon our return to the hotel. I hope you were able to accomplish what you set out for yourself! xo


  2. that list resembles mine! Except for the bit about the jacket – but I went down to the river yesterday and I will go again today. I haven’t read blogs in ages, although I have been reading books, but I’m catching up this arvo :). Now in fact!


    • The fun part is all of those activities are the ones I love Kozo….I could have also included laundry, homecaring (house chores) and somehow it all got done…except for writing and uploading photographs…I have Monday off so it might still happen 🙂


  3. The winter jacket line brought a smile to my face!
    Kudos to you for making these commitments to yourself. I hope your weekend is fabulous!


  4. nice…the walks always help me as well….and be reading to be writing…true that…it replenishes the well…smiles…have a wonderful weekend anyes…


  5. I feel like I should have these types of commitments! This are so good! I wish I was as disciplined as you.


    • Mellisa, it is not meant to be read that way..I wrote it more to force myself to do those things, I have to work hard to be disciplined, trust me 😉
      I have noticed what is written often gets accomplished at least as far as I am concerned Thank you for your visit


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