And so it was…

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have,
and one of the best things you can be.
Douglas Pagels

Birthday Party

The surprise in the making that I was grateful for last Thursday, finally happened this Saturday
Lovely Husband’s surprise birthday party is now over and I have a feeling  it will be remembered for a long while
Close friends and family were all there, waiting in the dark for him to come back from work
and the gift I got from it all was watching his stunned expression when he saw everyone


The food was plenty the music filled our hearts, and the company made it even sweeter
I spent quite a bit of time making sure he would not notice anything
It was such a challenge organizing everything quietly being careful not to raise any suspicion
Being able to have our family from south of the border was also a challenge to overcome and much to my surprise

It all worked out

It was the first time I had ever planned a surprise party this size and I loved it
The adrenaline rush, the secrecy of it all and the challenges I had to face were so much fun
Darling Daughter and Sweet Son’s help were instrumental in making it all a big success
The best reward of all was having everyone together having the time of their life

Who knew it would be so much fun? 😉


  1. What you gave was love — and yes, the pleasure and excitement of being able to pull off a surprise is the gift you gave yourself…the gifts of love were given to your husband. I’m so happy it was such a success. Happy Belated wishes to your husband! xo


    • I did not realize it at first but it was something I had wanted to do for years and never allowed myself to because he really dislikes birthday. Yet seeing his face and how happy everyone was, I am so glad I went through with it all. Thank you for your wishes Sherry xo


  2. Very sly and clever to pull of a surprise, you must be! So glad it was a success and a night to remember. What a lovely table you set, by the way. Yum.


  3. Hoooray, what a lovely surprise. Looks like quite a spread. I can smell the love in the food. Congrats on pulling it off, Anyes. {{{hugs}}} Kozo


  4. WOW Anyes
    You are a super woman.
    I once planed a surprised party for my husband when he was 50…. It was fun and lots of planning.
    Thanks for sharing !


  5. what a gorgeous room filled with food too! thanks for sharing the bounty of darling and sweet and adrenaline rushes with us.


  6. ha that is awesome….cant imagine it is easy not giving away a surprise party…esp when there are lots of details to work out….glad it went off though….very cool…and happy belated bday to him as well…


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