1. That is such a lovely, beautiful picture 🙂 I guess anything that can be done with some quiet and a smile on your face would be a great way to start a day 🙂


  2. Merci, Anyes, pour cette bien jolie citation et cette superbe photographie d’orchidée !
    Et c’est ma foi tellement vrai ! Je n’y avais jamais vraiment pensé, mais maintenant que j’y songe, il y a quelque chose d’infiniment similaire dans l’art d’arranger des fleurs et celui d’écrire. Le temps semble suspendu et dans cette profondeur de l’instant, où l’on côtoie l’éternité, on se sent au plus près de soi, plus vivant et comme ressourcé…


  3. I’ve always wanted to take an Ikebana class–Japanese flower arranging. Some of the flower arrangements are stunning. Like the orchids you photographed here, Anyes. Your photos are prayer, poems, and arrangements all at the same time. {{{hugs}}} Kozo


  4. I always wonder what the purpose of flowers in life but to pose itself as beauty…
    The Zen tradition holds that each flower you see has a silent lesson to teach passersby, if only we’ll listen to it. This is part of the tradition of wordless, mind-to-mind transition of information–certain things can’t be conveyed through words, things like aesthetic beauty and emotion.


  5. this beauty has enhanced the sunlight pouring from the sky — ten fold. Tuesday is all about beauty. And serenity. xo


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