Searching for the light

Sun reflection

When some of my days are grey, and my smiles turned upside down
Searching for the light is what keeps me going, what helps me cope
My trusted camera serving as a life jacket is keeping me afloat
Helping me to look for the beauty and the light so I can capture them
Precious gifts always present around me when/if I search long enough

So even when my heart aches and if my mind worries
My eyes are able to see the images I took, and take comfort in those treasures
Visual beauty is a balm for my aching soul soothing its wounds and calming it down
Twirling unruly thoughts about life, and death and the purpose of it all,
Are messing me a bit lately and I am feeling slightly unstable

Deep inside, searching for my grounding…searching for the light


  1. Sorry, to read that you still not … feeling great – doesn’t show in your photos. So happy that you can enjoy looking at the world around through your camera and that it gives you comfort. When I read between your beautiful lines .. is there a sadness and a little cry out. I wish I could be more support.


  2. When there is no light on these grey days (another like it here in Toronto), looking for where there could be light, creating light is exactly what we can do to keep afloat. Keep looking for the light my friend xo


  3. then i hope today you are surrounded by that beauty and the grey is pushed away…this is why my retreat is to nature…it is simpler and a pure beauty to me….


  4. Visual beauty is wonderful for taking the edge from both worry and pain. I hope that the light and magic you so generously give to others leaps to your eyes and to the lens of your camera, to ease those unruly thoughts.


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