April showers

After the rain

In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds
of weather inside of four and twenty hours.
Mark Twain

It rain, it stops and rains again, then sunshine comes for about 15 minutes and I smile for it lets me capture this beauty.

How does April’s crazy weather makes you feel dear friend? I hope it also brings a smile to your heart 🙂


  1. Change is a splendid thing, especially when it happens multiple times in a day. Loving the rainbows that can only happen with rain and sun. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


  2. April is a joy here. We are finally leaving the hotter months behind and, if we are lucky, will get some rain to nourish the parched ground. In the meantime it is warm enough to garden comfortably (rather than tooooo hot) and the trees are starting to blaze with autumnal colour. Bliss.


  3. So far April has been a little timid about showing herself here in southern Ontario. We’ve had a smattering of snow and some really strong winds….add some cold weather and Miss April hasn’t been properly told that we’ve turned the calendar page from Miss March. The showers will come…we’re getting more sunshine and hearing more birds as they busily build their nests….but no matter what she does, I’ve always got a huge spot of love in my heart for Miss April! xo


  4. Read like April weather … over here too, but no rain yet … sunshine and cold still. I don’t mind.
    Wonderful photo … beautiful,fresh and crisp even if wet. Is it a Magnolia tree ???


  5. ha. thursday we got 5 inches of snow, friday was 68 degrees, today i dunno, its only been an hour or so….we shall see…lol….regardless have a great weekend…smiles.


  6. many years ago, my husband and i attended a college reunion. there was a memorial service for those who had died since the last reunion, and it was held outdoors in pouring rain. under umbrellas, i listened to many moaning about the weather. in that moment, i decided to see and experience weather differently…this is how i feel about april’s unpredictability. happy to enjoy the ride of change.


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