Storm clouds

Storm Clouds

I am patiently waiting for the promised rain, hoping to hear its noisy arrival on my window pane.
My heart knows Summer is still here, so I long for the fresh air a good rainfall will bring about.
Those grey clouds are promising yet they have not really delivered save a few drops here and there.

I know I will wonder next April why I was Β ever wishing for rain, yet right now this is exactly what I am doing πŸ˜‰


  1. it’s so hot here and we need rain badly….why does it seem that mother nature is playing by a new set of rules and really changing things up this year?….xo


  2. I remember the Summer pasts when my heart cried out for rain
    as if I myself were curling up with thirst.
    This year has been rain and more rain and rot and mold and too much of a good thing.
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could trade it all around
    until we all got bliss:)
    peace to you in the waiting,


  3. We’ve had that rain you are craving…and it has been refreshing. And right now, I am seeing the rain you crave as a salve and a balm to your aching, tired soul…


  4. I know exactly what you mean. Yesterday it was hot and muggy here, then last night at midnight the rains came, cooling and refreshing everything. What a blessing!


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