No use hiding ;-)

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Up close and personal

Having my camera joined at the hip, or rather in this case at the shoulder has a definite advantage, it allows me to place myself in a sensory overdrive of sorts. When wanting to see something through my view finder, I also engage my other senses to be part of the action.  It is something that I am only recently starting to be aware of.

Case and point, the sound of this robin hidden in the branches ruffling its feathers against the tree branches, made me look up. I had been so intent in finding something worthy to photograph that I heard him even while shooting something else. I was able to capture its  hidden beauty without being detected, one of my biggest accomplishment as far as photographing birds go. Being fully in the moment gave me such an advantage . Some days everything works like magic. Don’t you love it ?


School started yesterday and it seemed as if it had never stopped. Both children are quite excited and happy, while part of me wishes I could go back to study.

I am still such a nerd at heart 😉



  1. So lovely Anyes! Love how fully in the moment you are and have been now- such an inspiration to witness! I too wish I could “go back to school” around this time of year- just briefly even 🙂


  2. I love that about carrying a camera…..the way it reminds us to be in the present fully and to hear and see those small but huge moments. What a great catch!


  3. Being a nerd at heart is kind of a good thing…the child in us is always attuned to learning and knowing…and while your children may have returned to the classroom to learn, here you are, learning still…by looking up and being in the moment to capture this beautiful bird. xo


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