The best laid plans…

My journey

The plans were:
-Waking up in the wee hours of the morning
-Write until the house woke up
-Write some more with my awesome writing buddy

The journey is:
-Awful migraine stabbing the inside of my brains since 5 am
-Fighting the cold Lovely Husband and Sweet Son had last week
-Having to make peace with my journey

Sometimes the best laid plans simply do not come through


  1. Aww Anyes. *hugs*
    No it doesn’t. Sometimes what we think are best laid plans ain’t nothin’ compared to what Life has in store for us…and I meant the GOOD stuff!
    Take a break and take care of yourself…as you said you have already caught that rhythm and flow of writing 2000 words per day…that makes a book in a while 🙂


  2. Sometimes when the plans don’t work out as expected we crumble and stay down. Sometimes we realize it is but a “blip” and we know we’ll get back up and carry on another day — we aren’t prepared to simply say “done” but “It will be better another day”. Hope that head of yours settles and you are feeling more like yourself tomorrow. xo


  3. Hang in there! Sometimes the best breakthroughs happen when we get off course. Perhaps this will lead to a great writing session tomorrow. Good luck!


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