Morning Beauty

Drop on Leaf

Soft morning, pain still lingering, light seeping through my kitchen window
Taking it very gently, accepting the way it is delays and all
Learning that by letting it be, I’ll get further ahead even if later than previously thought


  1. Letting it be…ah, yes, that’s the tough one always. But such patience is not only a virtue, it can be a life-saver when achieved. Good things do come to those who wait in such circumstances. πŸ™‚


  2. It’s wonderful to read how you are balancing all this. And thank you for the reminder that we are the first ones who should be gentle with ourselves πŸ™‚ Feel better soon *hugs*


  3. waking with a migraine…absolutely the worst wakening ever. I give thanks that migraines are mostly just a painful memory; I wish you painfree soon.


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