Staying in


Soft sun light streaming through the window curtain in my kitchen; I am listening nonstop to this amazing piece of classical music, (3.29). My camera keeps whispering sweet invitations to go walk outside, I keep refusing her tempting invites as I know how cold it is…

Today, I definitely staying in writing the words my heart whispers and enjoying just being.Β Any plans dear friends, on this first day of the week-end?


  1. Anyes, we had the same weather yesterday … so chilly and windy – first for the year and today it has been raining the whole day, so dark indoors the whole day – I had to have all lamps on. Your morning looks cold … and I like them like that, hate this wet dark mornings. I hope you indoor Saturday turned out to be pleasant.


    • Inn the end I went out for a couple of hours to write in a coffee with my friend and I have to say, this is my favourite kind of Winter weather…cold and sunny. It’s just a matter of dressing up with a few more layers πŸ™‚

      Sending you sunshine for tomorrow Viveka


  2. I went outside and faced the cold in order to ski yesterday. I need to do the same today only instead to visit my horse. Once your face loses all feeling it’s not so bad. I do hope to fit in some of the writing quiet time you described in such a lovely way too.


  3. Always love your images πŸ™‚ And quotes too!
    Well…this week and next will be work work and more work…but today, Sunday I get to go for class and then chill πŸ˜€ Enjoy your weekend!!


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