On my nature walk

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

John Muir

Rolling Hills

 It was such a gorgeous day, the kind that makes you be at peace with the world. So I decided to go for a walk. This nature walk I had been craving for so long.
The rolling hills across the park were watching my every move…

Colony Farm entrance

Walking  down I was wondering if I would meet any interesting wild life as the sign was promising;
I also wondered if I could take some nice photos of it, if I was lucky enough for this to happen

The trail

The adventure was calling and I was listening. Filled with joy and ready to capture the beauty I knew was waiting for me, I walked down the familiar path. The air was warm and filled with songs of the awakening nature.

Winged Friends

 To my surprise and to my delight, this walk was full of interesting encounters. I got to meet a few winged friends and was even patient enough to capture some of them here. Any one you know?

Dandelion in gravel

A few sunny dandelions growing in the middle of the gravels under a bench also caught my attention

Water WaysI went walking all around, in awe of this simple beauty and loving the fact that I was alone in nature.  
Enjoying this gift to my soul and to my senses


Everything was beautiful and I felt so grateful to have enjoyed this moment of peace and quiet the way I needed it πŸ™‚


  1. Your walk looks beautiful – I can hear all the bird sounds! Isn’t it lovely, all the beauty you can see when you just open yourself to it? Thank you for taking me there.


  2. Wow, what a stunning gallery … you invite us to. Just wonderful. I wouldn’t mind walking with you. The spring is where you’re too. *smile


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