Finding my way

All Alone

It’s been a long while dear friends and the reason was…so much was going on…

Getting ready to fly back home in a few hours, a bitter-sweet journey…
Deep inside I know it is a trip I have to take for so many reasons…

Loosing both my mother and my father less than 9 months apart threw me up for a loop.

I feel the need to regroup, to find my inner whisper (can you believe I totally lost it?)
I want to be empty in order to refill myself again…

There you have it, all laid out…Wish me luck 🙂


Cela fait trés longtemps que je n’ai pas écrit ici chers amis et la raison a été …
il y avait tellement de choses qui se passaient …

Je me prépare à revenir à la maison dans quelques heures, un voyage doux-amer …
Au fond de moi, je sais que c’est un voyage que je dois faire pour de nombreuses raisons …

Perdre ma mère et mon père à moins de 9 mois d’intervalle m’a completement débousolée
Je ressens le besoin de me receuillir, de retrouver mon murmure intérieur (pouvez-vous croire je l’ai totalement perdu?)
Je veux être vide pour me remplir de nouveau …

Et voilà, vous savez tout… Pensez à moi 🙂


  1. Anyes, this is such a difficult and hurting point in your life. I am so very sorry that you lost both your parents in such a short period of time. Loosing one parent is hard enough, but both… Take time to grieve, I think that is really important. As someone said before, be kind to yourself. Take your time. Listen to your inner voice.
    We will be here when you will be back.
    I send you a big warm hug.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember how lost I felt when my mother died, but to lose your father too. I wish you strength for the coming months and someone with whom you can share your grief.


  3. i wish you luck, and love, and diving right down to the bone, and clarity, and rediscovering your inner whisper, and deep hugs to both body and soul, and reawakening. This is the journey of a lifetime. Let it live you in its truth dear Anyes.
    Big hugs


  4. I know you can find your voice. Have a safe journey, and may you have all the best luck this world can offer. Much love to you, dear. ❤


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