
Days like today I miss the ocean so much; I desperately want to feel its angry waves crashing at my feet.
I want to taste the salt on my lips and smell its powerful scent in the air.
The wild wind is strong and whips my face while tiny beads of sand scratch my skin.
Looking out feeling so small in the open vastness starring back at me.
Do you ever miss this special place dear friends, the one that reminds you of your childhood?

Memory is a child walking along a seashore.
You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things.
Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal

Waves crashing
La mémoire est un enfant marchant le long d’un rivage.
On ne sait jamais quel petit caillou, il va ramasser et ranger parmi ses choses précieuses.
Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal

Certains jours comme aujourd’hui l’océan me manque tellement; je veux sentir ses vagues se briser à mes pieds.
Je veux goûter son sel sur le bord de mes lèvres et sentir son arôme envoutant flotter dans l’air.
Le vent sauvage est fort et fouette mon visage tandis que des minuscule perles de sable égratignent ma peau.
Regardant droit devant je me sent si petite, perdue dans l’immensité ouverte qui me fait face.
Vous arrive-t-il parfois cher(e)s ami(e)s, de manquer cet endroit spécial qui vous rappelle votre enfance?


  1. Don’t we all have those childhood memories, that has been ingrained in our minds? I always long for the sea again – when I am not close by it. Your photo really show the power of the ocean. A great image.


  2. I totally can relate to missing a place from your childhood
    I really really miss the water right now
    The warm sun, barefoot touching the sand, salty air, and everything about the sea.
    Thank you for putting it to words for me

    Liked by 1 person

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