Tuesday’s Talks

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.  
Kahlil Gibran

Before I started blogging, poetry to me was much of a mystery. I thought it always had to rhyme, to have been written by someone that passed on long ago and finally that it was something I could never understand much to my chagrin. 
Then I happened upon Christina’s Blog Soul Aperture, where I saw poetry in each and every word she wrote, in each and every photograph she shot. The music of her words was alive and felt like poetry to my heart. 

This Tuesday talk is once more the opportunity I have to introduce you my beloved readers, to another woman I admire within this blogging community. To my great pleasure,  

here she is πŸ™‚

  • Tell me a bit about yourself…(as much or as little as you feel comfortable with)

i am christina. i am a believer , a mama, wife, personal chef, part time photographer and peony grower.  and i also scribble the blog- soul aperture. 

  • What made you decide to blog? 

the loss of a love one. it was such a difficult time in my life, i was literally drowning in my grief. i read a blog everyday, that kept me  afloat. i wrote the author of that blog, telling her how much her words meant to me, and in no time, she inspired me to start blogging. thank you, B.

  • Where does your creative inspiration come from? 

the urban community we love in, the way i grew up, books, our garden, our kids. i am truly in awe by the gifts, that other bloggers share. they inspire me the most. 

  • How do you juggle family life and blogging?

i still haven’t figured that one out. ; )  since i am a homeschooling mama, to both of our teenagers, that is a hard one. i try to make early mornings for me though… prayer, meditation, coffee, photos for a post, a bit of writing. my blogging time is my time, so it’s important to put it in my date book. 

  • Do you remember the first comment on your blog?

it was from a friend. i was so excited. and then my husband. another reminder of how having a couple of kind souls in my life, can make all the difference. 

  • What did you discover about yourself while blogging?

that blogging for comments or popularity, could only last so long. that was a race i tried to run, for about a week and i was down for the count. lol i can only be me, take photos of my reality or what i find beauty in, write words from my heart. i discovered that my story is to be told, if only for me to read. these five years of blogging, have brought me to the doorsteps, of the most amazing women. i have sisters, a tribe… i discovered i am one lucky girl. 

thank you for inviting me here, my friend.
palms clasped~

Thank you so much Christina for having accepted my invitation and for this world you write about that is making my heart rejoice πŸ™‚


  1. Birdie, It was my pleasure to have her here with us :-)Marcie, I am glad you enjoyed it:-)Karen, It does not surprise me that Christina inspired you to blog the way you do. She truly is such an inspiration for me too.Isabelle, I am glad you loved it :-)Karen, It always a pleasure to go and pay you a visit :-)Christina, The pleasure was all mine :-)Margie, True words :-)Candace, She always knows how to brighten my days :-)beth, I am green with envy for how lucky you both are to know each other in real life πŸ™‚


  2. christina is wonderful and beautiful….and lucky me, i've met her in person. i got to spend a whole afternoon in a coffee shop with her πŸ™‚


  3. Christina is absolutely correct; you have to blog for yourself, not for the traffic or the comments. But I love to get your comments, Anyes.


  4. christina may not know this but hers is the first blog i ever read, and i believe she joined with God to inspire me to begin to artfully blog…and once again i am blessed by the sweet influence of her words in response to your thoughtful questions, anyes. my hands are clasped in response and my heart bows in gratefulness. -xok.


  5. Anyes, you for sure know how to chose your guests πŸ˜‰ Christina has brought so much joy in my life and I simply and deeply love her!!! thank you both for this lovely interview!


Talk to me, I am listening :-)