Guest Post – Word of the Year

As the year 2015 begins I felt I had to establish a new routine for this blog and for myself. So better than any resolutions I could ever have come up with, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and asked my beautiful and very talented friend E from A Sign of Life to come over and guest post for me.

I’ll be doing the same thing over at her house…Here she is, take it over E


Emerge (v.) to come out of or away from something and into view.

2014 was a difficult year for me. If I had to retroactively choose a word to sum up the year, it would be “persevere”; but I am not here to reflect on the past. I have lived it, and learned from it, and for now, that is enough.

I’ve never been one to kick down doors, strike a pose, and exclaim, “Look out world, here I come!” I tiptoe along the walls, observe the goings-on, and murmur, “Pardon me, sorry, passing through…”

Every year in the early spring, the crocus flower pushes its delicate head up through the frozen earth and the layer of death left over from the winter that hasn’t quite passed. It grows where it pleases, and little patches of yellow and purple appear on the ground, heralding the end of the cold times. It’s an unobtrusive little flower, and if you don’t look around, it will be gone before you ever knew it was there. “Oh, excuse me, don’t mind me…”

It’s the end of the cold; I can feel it. It’s time for me to push my way past the difficulties, the pain, and feel the sunlight again. I don’t want to be noticed — in fact, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you might miss me entirely.

And that’s okay. Because I’ll be basking in the sunlight, having finally emerged after a long and bitter winter.


  1. E this is a magnificent word….to bask in your own light as you emerge is the best and how could those around not notice you…after a bleak winter we see the beautiful colors of the crocus and swoon over its beauty….expect the same as you emerge! Happy New Year!

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