About me

Who am I…?

Fancy seeing you here dear friend 
Anyes is my name.
How do you pronounce it you ask; Quite simply like this (Ann /Yes)
I have been blogging for the better part of the last ten years. However four and a half  years ago I suffered a major heart attack.  Given its name, the widowmaker, you’d be fooled into thinking it only strikes men, however I can attest it strikes on both sides of the gender aisle. It almost got me.
That will be a story for another day. 
A successful double bypass surgery was performed, and I’m now found with a #brandnewheart and the precious gift of deep insight on how invaluable life is. Almost back to being the woman, I was about a decade ago, I tend to my body and my spirit. I now also pay closer attention to my heart, the emotional one, the one I ignored all those years. 
This will also be a story for another day.
I grew up in Southwest France long time ago.  I am lucky to call Vancouver BC, Canada my home. It was love at first sight and I have never looked back. I realized not too long ago that I have now spent more years in this amazing city than in the country I was born in. 
I discovered blogging back in 2010 and it allows me to give life to my creative urges. Everyday life is filled with ups and downs, I know you know this as well. Here in the comfort of a space I created I choose to follow my creative dreams and I appreciate you coming alongside.
Writing. Digging a bit deeper into the ramblings of my monkey mind. Choosing light even when darkness envelops my heart. This is what I am doing here. 
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth
“With a healthy heart..the beat goes on”.
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.” Anonymous


  1. Hello Anyes, I found your blog through the weekly photo challenge. I am happy I did. We share a love for photography and words from the heart. Looking forward to enjoying more of your work.


  2. Just bumped into your blog, and I really enjoy reading it. You have some beautiful pictures too 🙂 All the best, Irene


  3. Vancouver is my hometown too. Love the beautiful place. Thank you for your visit to my blog and for liking and commenting on my post. You have a wonderful blog and I would like to browse through your posts. Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  4. Hi Anyes, thanks for following our blog. I thought you were already following us, but I guess it was just me following you 🙂
    I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey.


  5. Reading the comments here was as nice as reading your blog! So many wonderful people sharing and participating. My husband was raised in Toulouse, France and we go as often as we can. I love your name and have a friend who has a daughter named Anyes. So much prettier in French than English! I appreciate you and the time you take to share on your blog, with us, these beautiful thoughtful moments. Always a pleasure to visit with you.


  6. What a lovely blog you have! Very nice to have found you. Looking forward to following you. (I love your quote choices!)
    ~ Christy


  7. Lovely to meet you. I grew up in Vancouver and now live in the Fraser Valley, not so very far away. I’ve always dreamed of France though…………..:)


  8. Hi from Toulouse, France! Glad to come across your blog! I love Vancouver and BC! 🙂
    Have a great Easter weekend! My very best and lots of inspiration! 🙂


  9. I am nominating you for the Liebster Blog Award. If you are not keen on participating, that’s fine, because I know that not everyone is keen on these awards. However, I wanted to show my appreciation for your blog and share you with others.


  10. Hi Anyes, this is not a comment to be published but a personal word for you. Actually, we have three points in common :

    a) Paris is the city where I have been living for 25 years now. I was born in Italy and lived there until 23 and then moved to Paris to spend my last year at the University. But then I met my wife, so I forgot to go back home 😉
    b) Montréal is where I would have liked to settle after Paris, but could not due to a lack of professional opportunities in my field (banking industry). However, my son is currently studying in Montréal (he’s currently studying at Concordia but will transfer in September to McGill to prepare a degree in cognitive sciences)
    c) Vancouver could be one of the cities where I could settle together with my wife (we love Canada …), if I manage to grab the right professional opportunity.

    My wife and I would like to know more about life in Montréal and Vancouver compared to Paris. Would you accept to share some of your experience with us (in English ou en français, comme vous préférez …)

    Congratulations, in any case, on your nice blog ! Kind regards


  11. Hi Anyes, congratulations on your post and on your path rich in new experiences. And four your courage to dare to discover new horizons …
    Your blog is nice as is your history. All the best !


  12. Yes me too.
    Vancouver is my hometown, at least was before we became nomads. My other hometown is Canberra, Australia where I grew up.
    When we lived in Vancouver we lived near Queen Elizabeth park and walked up to the park almost every day, even all through the winter. I remember seeing it covered deep in snow one year, and at times frosty, and of course rain rain rain.


  13. Thank you for stopping by my blog and the “like”.
    I think your photos are beautiful. And love all the little quotes you include.
    Nice to meet you. And it’s been lovely to see the Vancouver winter photos even though I’m far away in lovely warm Laos. I’ve heard the winter has been pretty bad this year.


    • Vancouver Winter are always something to remember, and this year we are lucky…the rest of the country is under a cold spell…
      Laos, how exotic, Alison I am looking forward to see what you will share with us 🙂

      Thank you for following and taking the time to comment. I look forward to get to know you better


  14. Count me in as a new follower, please? Since reading many of your heartfelt poems & captions to perfectly photographed pictures of simple, yet grand, bits in nature, both animate & inanimate, looking forward to viewing & reading more. Found you on Kathryn Ingrid’s blog. I take it you enjoy her musings, as much as I…


  15. […] Anyes of Far Away in the Sunshine and I are starting to get to know each other through our blogs.  Her pictures are beautiful and already very inspiring to me.  She reminds me a lot of Zully!!  Each one of Anyes’ posts seem to embody a quote that she has shared on her About Page; you can easily feel Anyes’ heart breathe through her every  post and every photo: […]


  16. Thanks for coming over to my blog. I too lived in Montreal for a short time before coming back to NZ to settle. And the quote ” Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” really says it all for me when I ask myself why do I write. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  17. We are practically neighbours, Anyes. Would love to have you fill my thoughts with your words and pictures and leave me breathless. Glad I have found you. Peace.


  18. That’s really nice, your blog and your description too. I see we have many things in common, even if I am much younger. I like your stories of a woman pursuing her creative dreams. Keep on going, you just got another reader!


  19. I love your blog
    I find myself reading your blog instead of my new book Still Alice
    I am so proud to have such a talented friend.


  20. I’d never heard that Wordsworth quote before…and I just fell in love with it. As for filling your paper with the breathings of your heart — I think you do that and do it very well indeed!


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