In the dawn of my artistic life…

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope 
that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. 
 You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.” 
Anne Lamott

Hope is always here leading me through the shadows of my doubts. 
Doing what I love or at least trying to, keeps my heart beating faster and stronger.
Giving up has never been an option, keeping at it is how I will pull through.

Given my morning writing schedule, I will be sharing lots of dawn photographs.
I’m very fond of them you see, they give me hope.
 Letting me know no matter how dark it was, the light is coming soon.

I hope you do not mind 🙂


  1. Gine, cela me fait tellement plaisir que tu aimes ce que j'ecris :-)Lilli, a fine balance indeed :-)ladyfi, it helps me to keep at it :-)Sas, everything is connected very true. Enjoy your week-end :-)CherryPie, so many possibilities:-)Vickie, It's always full of drama and powerful colours :-)Brian, I am just discovering Ann Lamott :-)Carola, it's like a photographers' dream every time :-)Ray, je suis heureuse que cela vous plaise 🙂


  2. I certainly do not mind seeing those bautiful photos. Dawn is something very special – I am a morning person myself and love the change of light at that time.


  3. Encore une fois tes mots me touchent et réveillent des émotions oubliées. La photo est évidemment fort bien associée. Merci !


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