Blogging break

Where does the white go when the snow melts?
Hugh Kieffer 
…Short of breath and feeling dizzy
…It seems Sweet Son’s head cold got to me too…
…I’ll be taking a few days off blogging…
I am quite sure it’s not contagious πŸ˜‰


  1. Brian, No they are not :-)Vicky, Thank you for your kindness :-)CherryPie, You are right :-)Frida, I will :-)Kathryn, thank you for your kind words :-)Mike, Thank you :-)Karen, Yes I will :-)Chantal, Thank you do much :-)ladyFi, I think it's in the air everyone seems to have it somehow :-)Marcie, I am glad you like the photograph :-)Hilary, Aww I hope you'll feel better soon πŸ™‚


  2. Be well, dear Anyes! I wish I could send you some of the broth that's cooking in my kitchen right now–that's my cure-all for being 'under the weather'. But I'll send you best wishes and virtual ((HUGS)) and hope that mother nature starts treating you more kindly soon! Sounds like the time is ripe for rest and healing throughout the household. You're all in my thoughts.xo,Kathryn


  3. Feel better soon Anyes! I am just coming to catch up with you and hope your writing is going well! We'll be here waiting for you when you get back πŸ™‚


Talk to me, I am listening :-)