A bit of time out

I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. 
My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently.
Ernest Hemingway

….One of those whirlwind week-end with barely enough time for myself…
…Wanting to take on much more than my body could handle…
…End result: fever, sniffles, aching body and tired soul…

Doctor’s order: A bit of time out

…I will come and visit you often, as this week I will not post on this blog …
…Your patience and understanding is much appreciated…

If you are wondering why I chose this photograph for my post, I’d tell you
because I liked the coziness of the decor and wanted to share it with you   😉


  1. Hugs sweet one- rest well and be easy on yourself! Take the week completely off if you need, we all love you and will be here waiting for your return 🙂 I too have caught a cold and am resting and relaxing more and letting the laundry pile up instead…


  2. I hope you will feel better soon, Anyes! Rest, relax, rejuvenate… I'm not feeling too great myself today either, so we're in the same boat. ;o) ((HUGS))


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