Thankful Thursdays

In the Wind

Thankful for the month of June’s whirlwind to be almost over
Thankful to have been taken an unscheduled break that did me of world of good
Thankful to be feeling better even if I still have a nasty cough
Thankful for having taken the time to get back in touch with my family
Thankful for this Thursday which is so close to the week-end 😉

Hello dear friend, how are you doing? I’ve missed you and I hope you are well



  1. I’m so glad that you are feeling better. Perhaps you need to go to a specialist for that pesky recurring cough? Wishing you are delightful weekend.


  2. i don’t like wishing time away but for some reason i ‘m okay with june being almost done….i hope you feel 100% soon and that cough goes away.


  3. Those breaks we take … the ones we didn’t plan can be some of the very best!! Glad you have much to be thankful for this month — wishing you a beautiful weekend! xo


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