

I remember jotting down those answers a few years ago and coming back to them today, I’m amazed to see that they still ring true.
Care to play with me? If so share your answers in the comments, only if you feel like it dear friend. No pressure

What’s your favourite childhood memory?
Being huddled together with my brothers and sisters traveling in the middle of the night going to visit my aunt in the South of France

How old would you be, if you did not know how old you are?
I’d have to say I would be 25 years old

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? 
Love yourself unconditionally, all of what makes you who you are

What is your favorite quote?
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What is your current 3-word memoir? 
Strength – Patience – Trust


  1. Childhood memory… I hardly have some, but thinking of your question made some pop out.

    First when I asked my eldest sister, coming back on Friday evening from boarding school, what she had learn in her Russian course.
    Then when we went with my parents, brothers and sisters to the movies to see West Side Story.
    Then many other souvenirs… Thank you for opening my memories.


  2. Dear Anyes, I loved your questions so much I made them part of my post today, and linked it to your blog, I hope you don’t mind. I started answering them here last night, and then moved to my journal when I realised I had more to say than could reasonably be tapped out here 😊 my post is here : If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is. – The Practical Mystic


  3. Great idea!!
    Childhood memory: walking in the fields at the farm.
    Age: 7-9 yrs maybe
    Advice to a newborn: Welcome to the world Little Angel. Stay safe and follow your dreams
    Current 3-word memoir: Respect- Strength- Empower


  4. Ooo..this sounds like something I would do for a blog post too? May I?
    If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
    Love yourself unconditionally, all of what makes you who you are < Love this answer. This would be mine too!!


Talk to me, I am listening :-)