Sunset Sunday

“Lord of the far horizons,
Give us the eyes to see
Over the verge of the sundown
The beauty that is to be.”
William Bliss Carman

Mount Baker glowing in the light of the late evening Sun, always calms my heart.
I am so grateful for the beauty I am lucky to be surrounded with, such a blessing.

If you like beautiful photographs of Sunsets just
come on over for a visit at Scott’s Just used Pixels and Karen’s A Good Snapshot
where Sun setting beauty is part of a weekly tribute .

Have a wonderful Sunday 🙂


  1. Scott, It was such truly a photograph I could not pass. Sunset Sunday are always so much fun :-)Uma, me too :-)Gine, Certains soirs c'est ce que je fais ;-)Karen since living in Vancouver Mount Baker's always been part of my landscape, somehow. I feel so lucky :-)Birdie, much love to you too :-)Marcie, Vistas like this always feel me with awe and respect of how beautiful Mother Nature truly is:-)Christina, Thank you :-)Tracy, I am glad you liked it. Big Hugs and have a wonderful week :-)ladyfi, It was such a sight 🙂


  2. Delighting in the color of this sunset… that bright gold dazzles! The quote is going in my journal. ;o) Happy Days, Anyes ((HUGS))


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