Another Saturday :-)

Flowers… are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues 
all the utilities of the world.  
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844
 The forgotten sound of rain drops against my bedroom window
The need to wear a cozy sweater instead of a fancy shirt
The music of the wind playing in my head

This is my Saturday…
How is yours?


  1. I sat inside by the fire place at the cottage. Then we went for an afternoon walk in the forest to pick some chantrelle mushrooms.


  2. Sherry, Which book are you reading?Isabelle, the smell of the first chimney fire…How delightful "-)demie, I am glad to have you coming over and thank you so much for following :-)Vicky, blogging and laundry do seem to pair up really well specially on week-ends ;-)Vickie, Gosh darn…cleaning and errands not too much fun :-)Karen, still sounds like a treat No? :-)Hilary, I am remembering after all that I live in British Columbia and we are part of the temperate Rain Forest and rain is part of our regular routine…right? πŸ˜‰


  3. I wish I could say relaxing, but three hours of hair coloring, cutting and pedicure which is why no Saturday day trip. But then it is cold, rainy and overcast which would make for lousy snapshots even if we did go.


  4. That flower is just glorious and you've paired it well with those words πŸ™‚ I too am taking comfort in comfy sweaters and long pants today and blogging my afternoon away in between doing laundry πŸ™‚


  5. for once its doesn`t rain. its ok. it rained so much in so many weeks… but cozy and lovely. wood in the stove ( gosh! already) and cuddling on the sofa : ) just found your blog and Emerson is my favorite guy ; )


  6. Your Saturday sounds like a dreamy place to be Anyes. Mine is dull and cloudy with trips to get groceries and visit my aging MIL in hospital. BUT…I have my youngest home from college for the weekend and although we aren't "doing" anything, it is just lovely to have him under the same roof. And if it rains later in the day — I have books and a delightful bottle of wine and a cozy afghan just waiting for me! Enjoy! xo


Talk to me, I am listening :-)