Walking on Sunshine ;-)

The world today doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?
Pablo Picasso

…The coldest June in forever, gray skies and wet clouds all above…
…This street art mural brightened my day while driving to a friend’s house…
…Looking at it made me forget that Summer is still ways away…

…Is it sunny where you are, dear friend?…


  1. hisweet friend, I wish I could say it is, raining here, everyday the weather is not sure what to do, reminds me of me, can't make a decision for my life. lol. hoping the sun shines soon for you.


  2. Way too much so with temps in the 90s (fahrenheit). But then the heat an humidity have brought lots of crashing storms that keep me up at night. I like the image of summer colors and light that you captured. I believe the quote can also be applied to writing.


  3. Beautiful image and great quote. Still cold and rainy here, feels like summer has been postponed… Hope the sun is on its way to you soon!


  4. We have had such a mixed bag of weather…it's been cold and rainy and dull and then suddenly we have sunshine. On those dull, rainy, grey days I do as you've done…look for the colour to create my own sunshine!


  5. Great quote from the master! The week has been cold and rainy and then all of a sudden… the sun and the heat; a real roller-coaster since the Venus transit – same for my mood 😉 – Have a good weekend Anyes!


  6. Picasso was so cool! I love the colorful mural…great photo. Hope skies clear for you. Wish I could send you some of our sunshine. We need rain here in this part of the Midwest…it's been hot…and I'm craving a gray day.


  7. Bonjour Anyes,j'adore les grafs ! celui ci est superbe …Dès que j'ai l'occasion de tomber sur un graff au grès de mes promenades, je ne rate pas de le photographier pour mon blog ! c'est de l'art …bisous et bon week end à toiBéa


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