So how was your week-end?

The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it.  

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Our week-end routine is something I am learning to appreciate. It starts on Saturday with Sweet Son’s soccer games, a family opportunity I would not miss. I am enjoying taking him there; watching him play. He is getting better every time and it’s always such a treat for me. Lately Darling Daughter has made a conscious decision to attend the games with me so we are both on the side lines (or in the car, weather depending…) cheering him on.

This week-end’s weather was typical of an average Autumn day here in Vancouver, with magnificent skies and gorgeous leaves colours.

On Sunday afternoon we usually try to head outside even if only for a little while. This time after a quick stop to buy some material for the children’s Halloween costumes, we went down to the beach. It seemed like a good idea, and getting some fresh air was what we all needed. I walked around enjoying the scenery while the children played together, drawing silly characters on the shore’s wet sand…

I present to you : Sticks for hair, Sweet son’s creation

and his girlfriend: Sandy drawn by Darling Daughter

Camera in hand, walking around I was taking this opportunity to get some shots, knowing the week was going be busy and the weather might not permit me to take many outside pictures. The wind was getting a bit cold blowing gentle ripples on the river and it felt good…to be outside…with the children…

An abandoned  leaf on the sand drew my eye…posing for me…I had to take a shot …

You see I LOVE fall and on that Sunday I even felt it loved me back 😉

In the background I saw the first snow and smiled. It looked like fine powdered ice sugar atop the mountains…Autumn is here to stay it seems…This week-end was a dry one, which is always a plus when you live in Vancouver…Before I knew it, we were Sunday night and the week-end was over and I did not even mind …

I also managed to find the time to tinker with my blog design, and it looks like this one is here to stay 😉

Now tell me friend, how was YOUR week-end?


  1. I spent the weekend in Assisi, Italy; a place I’ve wanted to visit for years. It was beautiful, peaceful, moving and felt like a world and time out of time. Loved it. Sunday morning bells rang and rang from bell towers over 800 years old. It’s a weekend I’ll always remember. Loved your photos and the whispers of winter that are surely on their way.


  2. My weekend was spent playing in the garden. Weeding (ever necessary) and planting lots of joyous summer treats.
    I do envy you Autumn though – I dread our summers and would happily bypass them. Wrong and I know it is, but true nonetheless.


  3. Oh do not miss any of those games Anyes…I cherished every wet sideline, every freezing hockey rink…and Timmy Ho got me through them all!!! 🙂 But I can’t drink that coffee anymore — upsets my stomach…perhaps I had just a little too much over the years!

    Love the sand drawings…sticks for hair and grass for hair — your children are very creative!

    My weekend was lovely — some outside time on one of the last beautiful days of the year and some time with one of my sons who is home from college for reading week.


    • I often of friends I know who have older children and try to be very mindful of how fast the time flies…So regardless of the weather forecast I attend every game…Coffee does warm the insides (I take the one I brew from home), it still feels quite nice xo


  4. Lovely images, especially the sand drawings!
    My weekend was spent in the woods among the autumn color, with dear friends. It was good for the soul.


  5. smiles…cool pics…we had a football game saturday as well….and this week the championship…its been fun but ready for the seasonal break as well…love the little doodles in the sand…made me smile…sounds like a good weekend…we were outside a bunch sunday as well…at my parents house…


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