Odd beauty

I never question what to do, it tells me what to do.
The photographs make themselves with my help.
Ruth Bernhard

Sand Quarry

This photograph whispered to me when I took it, so I listened. It keeps speaking to me now that I am looking at it
The beauty of the inside of the earth, the scale of all the work done reminds me of how little I am, just a speck, really
I am mesmerized by all the textures and the feel of all of its odd beauty and I am wondering why

Did I take leave of all my senses, the past week while being so sick?
Be honest, dear friend and tell me 🙂

PS: Thank you so much for all your comments and emails of concern., I am starting to feel a bit better, still taking it very slowly. Posting here will still be a lot slower and for this I apologize. What ever bug it was, sure got me good :/


  1. Wow wow wow – this is a fabulous shot and should be framed!

    Get well soon – there’s been a really nasty bug going around here too.


  2. That flu that has been going around for months really does knock you out and take the stuffing out of you. Knock wood, I haven’t had it but it has been through this house and so many of my friends have had it. Take your time with recovery and don’t do more than you “think” you can! And this photograph? It’s absolutely amazing…texture, shape, lines…it’s got it all!


  3. This type of work shown in this image reminds me of my grandpa when I was young.. He was a coal miner. I’d been told that he went to work in the mines at age nine! I admire your image, but I feel that this kind of work is brutal to the workers and our planet.


  4. yay…an update by you…smiles…hope that means you are continuing on the mend and feeling better….we have quite a few quarries around here…pretty cool capture…lots of hard textures in the pic…


  5. I like the grittiness, the hard edges, the rawness to it. It does bring about a different dimension of yourself, but I like how bold it is! Hugs sweet one!


  6. I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to post on here again Anyes! and I hope for your recovery too!
    I love the picture and you are so right in what you felt…because I went “Oh wow!” too! 🙂


  7. Contente de savoir que tu vas mieux, même si dans mes préoccupations actuelles, j’ai beaucoup de peine à tout lire sur la blogosphère. Je reconnais que la lecture de l’anglais et de l’allemand me demandant un effort, j’ai tendance à “sauter” ces blogs quand je suis trop pressée… Désolée pour ta mauvaise bronchite, je connais l’asthme et je trouve ce sentiment de ne plus pouvoir souffler … exténuant. Soigne-toi bien!


Talk to me, I am listening :-)