Puddle Boots…What to do with them?

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  
There are seven million.  
Walt Streightiff

What do you do with puddle boots looking like those?

You take the children to the playground
and watch them play, right?

Something else you can do
is have fun
and play with them  ğŸ˜‰

Tell me any playing time this week-end, with your inner child ? 


  1. Karen, I am hope you'll have tons of fun with your granddaughter enough to make you forget about all those chores. Enjoy yourself and her too!Tea, it looks like you have the inner child fun covered ;-)I am very happy you are coming along for the ride!Relyn, Lady Bugs puddle boots would be so much fun… I'd go for one pair for myself too, let me know if you ever see them OK?


  2. I have been wanting some fun boots like that! Playtime with my son is always fun.. tickling, making bubbles with the dish soap, dancing in the living room.. some of the things we've done today. :)I've loved looking over your blog. Your words and photos are lovely.I am going to keep following along. 🙂


  3. Really cool boots! Thanks for the reminder to embrace my inner child. I think I lost her today in the myriad of chores here at the homestead. But there's a better chance for play tomorrow when the granddaughter arrives! Have a wonderful weekend.xo


  4. Playing with dolls sounds lots of fun, Darling Daughter never was into dolls so it's been quite a looooong while I did not play with them 😉


  5. A bit of a mess with your goddaughter is the perfect occasion to find your inner child! Have tons of fun and a great week-end!Yes, Tracy those boots are mine ;-)and every time I wear them I seem to have more fun…Your week-end sounds lovely and i wish tons of playtime. Enjoy yourself 🙂


  6. Those boots are such FUN–LOVE those! Are those yours, Anyes? ;o) This weekend, my husband & I are heading out to do some necessary shopping. But while shopping I hope to stop at an art supplies store of a new sketch book–my inner artist child needs paper! And tomorrow we visit Husband's sister & family. I look forward to time with our 11 yr old niece. Wishing you & yours a very fun weekend, my friend ((HUGS))


  7. Love, love the boots, I get playtime with my goddaughter this evening. she is coming for a sleepover. she likes to paint, so I think it will be a bit of a mess, but fun for both of us. loved your post. have a great weekend.


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